COVID-19 Update: July 26th 2020

For the past two months, I have spent the majority of my time in the gym observing everything that’s going on. This observation occurs while I’m administering one-on-one personal training sessions, coaching group classes, doing office work, and even during my own workouts. To my detriment, I am seldom solely focused on the task in front of me. During my observations I have come to understand a few things:

  • Our members and our staff have done an amazing job with everything we have asked them to do to keep our people safe, and for that I am grateful. This makes my job as your leader so much easier.

  • We have a wide range of comfort levels when it comes to this virus. Some people in our community are still very much conscious and aware of the risks at hand while others are much more comfortable moving back to their day to day both in and out of the gym.

  • The measures we are taking to clean and sanitize for our clients is top notch and might just need some small tweaks to continue to deliver the safest experience possible

  • The measures we are taking and habits we have created to keep our staff safe need to be re-assessed and improved

  • While I don’t believe we are being negligent in our day to day operations, we have room for improvement.

  • It is difficult for our staff and clients to effectively maintain 6 feet of physical distance at all times while in the facility


After these observations, my primary concern has been around staff safety and operations. We are the common denominator in the gym as we interact with multiple groups of people in one day. Our ability to stay open is directly affected by our staff’s ability to stay healthy. I have provided our staff with additional information on the adjustments we will be making effective immediately. For our members, I will highlight the updates that may directly affect you.

  • All non-training appointments such as No Sweat Intros, Client Success Sessions, Nutrition Consultations and Follow Ups, and any other potential appointment types will require masks to be worn by staff and clients. These appointments will still be offered and encouraged to be held virtually whenever possible.

  • All staff are required to coach with masks and are required to wear masks while working at the front desk or in common areas where clients and other staff are present.

  • All non-essential group meet ups with clients/staff such as meetings/specialty courses/demonstrations/presentations are only permitted via zoom until further notice

  • We are still not permitting any non-member drop ins or bring a friend events until further notice


These adjustments come as our region closes in on a backslide in reopening due to an increase in cases in the Metro-East. Throughout this entire pandemic we have been ahead of the game and adapted quickly to changing circumstances. I am asking our staff and members to continue to do this as we move into this next phase. These adjustments to our daily operations and systems do not come without deep contemplation and assessment, but I know these are necessary steps we must take to keep ourselves, our families, and our community safe.

I have also contacted our St. Clair County Board Chairman, Mark Kern, to voice my concerns for local area businesses trying to reopen our state the right way. I want all of you to know I am fighting to keep our doors open, but it will take a community effort. Help our region stay safe and do your part to keep our businesses open.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly.


Coach Josh

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