Starting in February our entire gym will be implementing a new system for Personal Records. We are calling this system Podiums.
So how will this work?
Each week your coaches will determine a workout or movement that will be a podium opportunity that week. Some weeks could have multiple. These podiums could be a benchmark workout. But really this is about finding more “wins” than just a better time or heavier weight on the leaderboard.
We know this fitness and nutrition stuff is hard, and sometimes you just need a win to propel you forward. Podiums will be the opportunity to do just that.
If you’re one of our CrossFit group clients, you will begin to see podiums listed in our weekly emails under your programming snapshot. If you’re one of our one-on-one clients, your podiums will be shared with you each week at your first training session with your coach.
Now here’s the fun part. If you hit a podium during your training session, we want to celebrate it! So, at the end of each class/session where there was a podium opportunity we’ll take all of our podium winners and write their win on one of our small whiteboards and the coach will snap a pic of everyone for social media using the hashtag #cfmepodium.
What about the PR board?
Our PR board will turn into our Podiums Board! Still go right ahead and put your PRs, Podiums, and Wins on it if you want! We’re just going have even more personal records to celebrate and be celebrating them every week instead of just once a month!
ALSO, say you hit a new PR on something and it might not have been listed as a podium for the week, but it’s a win for you… Grab yourself a little whiteboard and put it on there, snap a pic, and post it to social media using the hashtag #cfmepodium and be sure to tag the gym @cfmetroeast and your coach!
Why the change?
Our ultimate goal is to just celebrate you guys and gals more and tell the world about all the amazing things you’re doing at CFME. We think you’re amazing and we want everyone to know about it!
To all your future Podiums,
Your CFME Staff