This week I spoke with a client about language. Specifically the language we use with ourselves. The words we use are extremely powerful. They can build us up or tear us down. They can add value or take it away from what we’re doing. And many times we don’t even realize what we’re saying until someone else points it out.
“Have to” Statements
How often do you use the phrase “have to” when describing something you’re going to do? If you’re anything like me, it’s probably a lot.
I HAVE TO…go to work…pick up the kids…clean the gym…workout…meal prep…etc.
What do you think would happen to your mindset if you changed HAVE TO to GET TO? Since this is a gym podcast I’ll stick with the gym example… “I have to go to the gym” turns into “I get to go to the gym!” Working out is something we GET to do! It’s an opportunity to get stronger and healthier so that we can live our best lives. The world has shown us we don’t HAVE to do it at all. It’s why obesity is so prevalent in America today. By changing that one word we can speak positively about something that has a positive impact on us and is privilege to have the ability to do.
“I should” Statements
Let’s try another one: I call these the “I SHOULD” statements.
“I SHOULD…go for a walk…get the salad…get up earlier tomorrow.”
What if we changed SHOULD to “WANT TO”?
“I WANT TO…go for a walk…get the salad…get up earlier tomorrow”
Now, with the “want to” statement add a “SO THAT” statement. A so that statement connects the action you’re trying to complete with the why behind it.
“I WANT TO workout today SO THAT I can build up my strength to pick up my grandkids when I watch them.”
“I WANT TO order the salad at lunch SO THAT I can stay on track with my weight loss goals.”
As I said before, language is powerful. the examples above are two easy ways to shift how we say things that can speak life into our actions, but don’t forget about how we speak about ourselves internally. This topic probably deserves it’s own post for another time, but be sure you’re speaking positively about yourself too. I think of a quote I received in author James Clear’s weekly newsletter the other day…
“Being kind to others is mostly about your actions. Being kind to yourself is mostly about your thoughts.”