What’s Happening This Week?
We need your old coats! One of our members, Lauren Ruser, is collecting coats for her work’s coat drive. We have a big box up front in the lobby to put any unneeded coats t0 good use. You must have your coats in by FRIDAY NOVEMBER 30th!!
Driven Presale Monday 11/26 – Saturday 12/1. This will be your last chance to grab any of those
Purchase your CFME FitFam Night at the Blues game tickets by clicking on the photo below!
We are extending our
Click on the picture below to register!
We need your old coats! One of our members, Lauren Ruser is collecting coats for her work. We have a big box up front in the lobby to put any unneeded coats towards a good cause. You must have your coats in by FRIDAY NOVEMBER 30th!!
Save the Date: Our annual 12 Days Of Christmas Holiday Workout will be on
Christmas Holiday Schedule:
Monday, December 24th – CLOSED
Tuesday, December 25th – CLOSED
Wednesday, December 26th – REGULAR HOURS
New Years Holiday Schedule:
Monday, December 31st – Last class will run at
Tuesday, January 1st – CLOSED
Programming Snapshot for the Week: Monday
Thrusters and Pull Up Progressions
Push Ups, Sit Ups, and Rowing (Repeater: compare to 4/23/18)
Overhead Squat Strength Work
Interval work with rowing, air squats, and KB swings
Partner Lady + AMRAP with Wall Balls and Wall Walks