When To Progress Your Exercises Or Weights

“Should I do the pull ups or ring rows in the workout today?”

“What weight should I do on the squats?”

“Can I go up on the next set?”

The questions above are just a few of the kinds we get from our group class members. Ultimately, they’re the same as “How do I know when to progress?”.

This week, CFME founder, Josh Nimmo, and Coaches Sam Schaefer and Millie Patterson, engage in a conversation about how to know when to advance in exercise progressions or weight when working out. They discuss their philosophies on the topic and give some more insight to the “why” behind the way we do things at MetroEast.

If you want to see their faces, here’s the YouTube video. Or click the link below the video for the podcast version.

Podcast Link: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/sfA3VR7fgtb

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